Before going to thrift stores, make sure you have these essential things:
2. Cell Phone. Bring your cell phone along, in case you see something you think a friend would like. You can take a picture of it and send it to them. That way you can make sure they like it before you buy. (Also is good to have a phone in reach if a creeper stalks you in the store).
3. Cash. Some charity stores only except cash, plus if you're driving around and see a flee market or yard sale it's good to have cash on hand.
4. Hand Sanitizer. Self explanatory.
The first shop I went to was Hope House Thrift on Granby Street in Norfolk. This is a small shop in the heart of the city. I love their window displays, each week they choose a color for everything displayed to be. This week was pink! My only complaint about Hope House, is there is a lack of parking. Their parking lot only has room for about 5 cars, and you can't park on the other side of the lot because it's private. I had to circle the block twice before a spot opened. I didn't buy anything today. However there was a cute Sanrio bathroom set, and some interesting books I thought about purchasing. Last week when I went I bought a pair of Michael Kors Boots for only $12. I sold them on eBay for $48! I always stop at Hope House when I'm on Granby.
As I was driving to my next destination in VA Beach I spotted a flee market at Princess Anne Highschool. It was closing up by the time I got there, but there was still some to see. Most of the stuff was junk, however this one booth had some really cute jewlery. I bought three little braclets for only $5!
I was driving to my next shop when I found this jewel of a store in VA Beach. I didn't feel like Olde Main Street had much that was worth buying, but it did have beautiful displays and creative antique pieces and art. Below are some pictures from the store.
Overall this trip kind of failed. I had a list of 8 stores to visit. I could only find 3 of them! I don't know if my GPS or their adresses were wrong. I didn't buy very much either. Maybe next trip I'll do better.
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sew good right? Let me know what you think.