16 April 2010

14 April 2010


This past semester I have really honed my sewing skills. I still have a ton to learn. My greatest obstacle is my lack of patience. I want my creations to be done before I even start them. I'm really excited for this fashion show. It's going to be the true test of my drive, and creative spirit. I wish I had more help from members for it, but c'est la vie. It's coming together well. Only two weeks! Above and below, are some of my "Alice in Wonderland" inspired creations.


I've been a busy bee. School has been stressful this semester. Fashion product development and the Fashion show are my life. I'm learning a lot though. This production class has really taught me the basic of the fashion industry. Last Friday we went to the Cotton Incorporated headquarters in North Carolina. Below are some snap shots from the trip.