11 May 2009

Five things

These are my top 5 things I think every fashion forward chick needs this summer.

1. The "Maxi" Dress
dress-3.<span class=

2. The Pin-up inspired one piece.

3. White Skinny Jeans

michellew-1.jpg image by fashionunder100
4. "cut out" sandals.

5. The Chain Strap bag

hair dare

I am torn. 
I love my short hair, and really want a new style. But my only option would be to cut more of it off. My problem is that I want long hair again. There are a few problems with my wanting long hair; My hair takes ages to grow, and it'll go through those awkward mid length hair stages...which I dread. The biggest downfall of long hair, is that it will possibly make me lose my character feature. A lot of people recognize me and remember me for my short hair. Do I want to risk looking like everyone else? But if my long hair is nice, healthily and styled correctly I can still look stunning and different from the norm. What to do, what to do?
I love America's Next Top Model "London" short new hair cut. It's similar to what I've had before, but possibly a little bit shorter. 
Lauren (London) Levi, America's Next Top Model Cycle 12 ANTM 2009, Episode 3: Model Makeovers

Then my dream for long hair. 

10 May 2009

bitch this shit profits

For sale currently. Could be the biggest sale yet.
Bought for only $2.00.
Bid is over $20 with 12 watchers and still like 3 days left to go.
Holy cow. yay!

I get it from my familyy.

unkown fashion shoot

past events

This is kind of late but I feel like I need to update this shin-dig. Here's a peek at something I wrote on my other blog...unfortunately I'm to lazy to rewrite something specifically for my fashion blog.

This past weekend was really awesome. Friday night I helped out with the Andrew Christian fashion show at the Wave dance club. I was really honored that they aloud me to run the spot light for their show. I was the only volunteer to show up, and so the production director for the Male Box (the store that was sponsoring the event) is going to write me a personal letter of recommendation/gratitude for my portfolio. It was fun, and I got to see lots of good looking men in their undies. :)

Here a look at what the show consisted of... WARNING PG13.


I don't know what I want.

01 May 2009

Its been awhile

Heres a look at some of my latest ebay items.

First some that are going up for sale or resale soon.

Some favorites of my previously sold items.